[SLCI] Store Banner

About [SLCI]

[SLCI] is a group of content creators in the virtual world of Second Life® owned and operated by Linden Labs. We offer a wide range of building tools, prefabs, gadgets, textures and multimedia devices for builders and residents in SL.

Our product range of tools includes the popular "control-demon" system, builders prefab rez system and the land-buddy terrain editor / shaping tool. Check out our products on the SL Marketplace.

[SLCI] & Apez

Hi all,
I'm happy to announce that I have signed a position with Cenji Neutra from apez.biz.

From today I'll be moderating the apez forum while Cenji and his team are working on several updates to the apez system and the integrated services.

[SLCI] has been the using the i-vend networked vendor system and the auto-lease system since we started in Second Life. The system allows easy configuration and maintainance of your vendors or lease units through the apez website. For more information about apez visit the apez.biz web site or visit the Apez HQ in Second Life.

- Wiseguy

[SLCI] Terrain Textures Pack ON SALE!

Our current bestseller on SL Exchange!

ON SALE NOW due to the high demand!
Used to be 799L$... get it now for ONLY 599L$

This pack contains 31 new & unique seamless / tileable terrain textures.
To match builders needs we made every texture in 512x512 and 256x256.
The 256x256 textures allow faster rezzing when landscaping with tileing.

In each resolution you get:
10x seamless grass textures
15x seamless sand textures
4x seamless moss textures
2x seamless straw textures

You can get this pack here:
[SLCI] Main Store - Strabo Bay
[SLCI] on Xstreet SL
[SLCI] on Onrez

Enjoy the pack!

The [SLCI] blog is up!

Hey all, finally we took the time to register a blog for SL Content Innovations.

Now, how are we again??

[SLCI] is a small group of content creators who have been active designers in the virtual world of Second Life
® since early 2007. Our main focus is prefab design of stores, offices and houses. [SLCI] also provides design solutions for sim owners and SL residents.

On the [SLCI] Island (SLURL) you can view our prefab collections which are placed for demonstration. At the main store you'll find our texture packs, the [SLCI] rez system to box and sell your builds, multimedia devices and more.

In the next days I will add links to our products on SL Exchange, apez.biz and Onrez for you guys here. In the future you find all news & updates to our products here on the blog.

If you require support for [SLCI] products or want to report a bug, please send a notecard to slci Planer in-world.

Now enjoy the blog and thanks for supporting us!!

-Wiseguy Capra